News – Workshops, courses, events, etc.
I teach hands-on maker workshops across Ireland. I can get you started with computer-aided design using Fusion360 or VcarvePro. I teach computer-numerical control (CNC) carving of wood and plastic with my home-built portable MPCNC and my portable Handibot. I also teach soldering, electronics and coding for Arduino & ESP32 projects. And how to repair or repurpose all sorts of things. Let me know what you would like to make! If you have a makerspace, meeting hall or another venue that you think would work for a making meetup, get in touch with me. Email me with a polite heading that uses my name (or else it will be marked as spam) to steve at
Workshop Reviews
Intro to CNC: Computerised Woodworking

My Story: About Me page
My Instructables
and other things I’ve made
I have written how-to guides for some of my maker projects on I have lots more projects that I documented with photos but have not had a chance to write up yet. I have posted some of those here on this site. Click here to see my Instructables portfolio.